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    2 Точки зрения при написании эссе "Велосипеды: за и против"
    22.04.2015, 22:31
    Some people think that to ride a bicycle in the centre of the city has many advantages and of course others consider that bicycles should not be allowed in the city at all. people are different and of course they have various opinions as many men many minds. As for me, I think that riding bicycles in the downtown is useless as with the help of this vehicle people could not cover greater distances within less time. That is because the speed is very low and people in big cities are busy and they are always in a hurry. More than that our cities are not equipped with necessary roads for bikes so it is very dangerous to ride a bike because of heavy traffic and crowds of people walking down the streets. But on the other hand, some people realize that to ride a bicycle in the city center is useful as nowadays the environmental situation in the world is very dangerous because of heavy traffic and air pollution as the result. I should stress that bicycles are the most ecologically pure means of transport. More than that with the help of bicycles people avoid traffic jams and you can easily ride them in any situation even where cars are prohibited. In spite of these pros I strongly believe that bicycles shouldn’t be used in crowded cities as they are not suitable for such a rapid way of life.
    Some people consider that riding a bicycle in the city centre has many pros and of course other people think that bicycles should not be used in the city at all. People have different opinions, likes and dislikes on this problem. As for me, I think that to ride a bicycle in the city center is useful as nowadays the environmental situation in the world is very dangerous because of heavy traffic and air pollution as the result. I should emphasize that bicycles are the most ecologically pure means of transport. More than that with the help of bicycles people avoid traffic jams and you can easily ride them in any situation even where cars are prohibited. But on the other hand, some citizens of cities don’t think that bicycles are appropriate for downtowns as they understand that riding bicycles in the centers is useless as with the help of this vehicle people could not cover greater distances within less time. That is because the speed is very low and people have lack of time for their needs so it is easier to walk. More than that our cities are not equipped with necessary roads for bikes and there are no parking places so they can be stolen. These disadvantages may be overcome, to my mind. People are working now on improving roads and convenient places for bicycles to be kept. Citizens will never give up riding bikes because they have brought a lot of good into our lives.
    Категория: Методическая копилка | Добавил: volodicheva
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