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    Статья учащихся 11 класса учитель Володичева А.С.
    05.03.2015, 09:00
    Nowadays there is a great deal of armed conflicts and it is a real problem for the whole world. The armed conflicts break the individual rights of men. All human rights are universal, indivisible and interconnected. The international community must globally concern to the human rights on a fair and equal basis with the identical approach and attention. Though the meaning of national and regional specificity and various historical, cultural and religious features is indisputable it is necessary to mean that states irrespective of their political, economic and cultural systems bear a duty to encourage and to protect all rights and basic freedom of the man. The protection of the human rights during war, which is vitally necessary for each individual, is the normative form of regulation and prevention of the contradictions and conflicts. We think that it is necessary to achieve a complete conformity of the internal legislation with the international contracts and agreements concerning the rights and freedom of the man in every state. The civil persons who live in a territory which is controlled by the opponent, have the right to feel respect for their life, personal rights and believes. They should be supplied with the protection against violence and they need to have the right to correspondence with their family and to get any kind of help . During the armed conflicts every person has the right of the basic legal guarantees. Nobody should be exposed by physical and moral torture, corporal punishments and even severe or humiliating manipulation. States which are in the conflict and their armed forces can not use an unlimited choice of methods and means of conducting war. Such weapons and such methods of conducting battle are forbidden to use. Because they can cause the losses or cause excessive sufferings. Wounded and ill people should be provided with a care by the country. Sorry to say all points are not in use during the armed conflicts and people don’t have enough rights during them and this situation cause a bad situation in any state. So we think that we have to find out the way how to avoid conflicts because only in this case people will be able to live happy and to have all necessary rights.
    Категория: Методическая копилка | Добавил: volodicheva
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