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    Аудирование 11 класс Биболетова М.З.
    18.06.2013, 22:58
    11 класс упр 39
    1Having just graduated last year and then joining the firm immediately, I’ve already spent three months abroad, where I was involved in designing a network to distribute water. The thing about doing a project like that is that you start from scratch to build a huge system and finish it in a short period of time, rather than improving an existing system as you might do over here. We did this by working on computer model of the distribution network. It was very skilled work, which I learned a lot from, and it was great working in such a different culture. 2Engineering is a problem in my country and certainly a major reason for the skills shortage in this area. For some reason, engineering is seen as dull and unexciting, when in fact it is at the cutting edge of technology. You won’t find such negative attitudes in other European countries or in the US. There, if you say you’re studying engineering, people say "WOW” because it’s seen as one of the big four professions along with doctors, lawyers and accountants. I think there is also a greater recognition in these countries hat engineers are responsible for most of the new technologies. 3 I decided to go into engineering because there’s technology involved at every step-from producing an aircraft wing to making a particular kind of automobile. Every day, I feel as though my technical know-how is improving and that makes for an exciting daily life. One of four graduates has recently gone to Antarctica, where she’s been involved in the Antarctic survey’s new facility. There, she helped create a highly sustainable building in one of the most challenging environments in the world. 4. I’ve only been in my job for 6 weeks, so it’s still very new, but the reason it appealed to me was that it is all about top-end technology. Once I’ve finished this three-month period, I’ll be moving to another department. I could be working on test engineering for a different product or in a more applications-based role. It’s great to get this wide range of experience because it will help me choose the profession I want to settle in. My advice to anyone wanting to get involved in cutting-edge technology is to work in engineering. You really do wind up at the forefront of it.
    Категория: Методическая копилка | Добавил: tyona
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