Цели урока: Учебные – развитие навыков устной монологической речи, активизация лексико-грамматических навыков по теме, развитие навыков аудирования, письма, развитие навыков поискового чтения с извлечением конкретной информации. Развивающие – развитие умения обобщать, доказывать и логически высказывать свои мысли, вырабатывать аргументы, выражать свое отношение к теме. Воспитательная – развитие умения работать в малых группах, формирование уважительного и ответственного отношения к окружающему миру, воспитание бережного отношения к животным. Компетенции: коммуникативная, интеллектуальная, социальная. Учебные пособия: компьютер, проектор, фрагмент видеофильма «Whipsnade wild animal park», мультимедийная презентация, аудиозапись «Whipsnade wild animal park», текст для аудирования «Whipsnade wild animal park», аудиозапись песни «Penguins` dance», раздаточный материал: картинки животных, тексты с заданиями на извлечение конкретной информации. Ход урока: 1. Организационный момент. Teacher: Good morning, students! Nice to see you all! It’s time to say "Hello” and start our lesson. Answer my questions. How are you today? I am glad to hear that. What is the date today? The weather is nice today, isn`t it? Do you like the weather? Students: несколько учащихся дают ответы. 2. Фонетическая разминка. Teacher: I know that all of you like tongue twisters. Look at the screen and read this one. And now remember the tongue twister and fill in the missing words A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! (Слайд 1) A _ black _ bit a big _ dog on his _ black _!(Слайд 2) A _ black _ _ a big _ _ on his _ _ _!(Слайд 3) A _ __ _ a _ _ _ on _ _ _ _!(Слайд 4) Учащиеся восстанавливают скороговорку по памяти. 3. Сообщение темы урока. Teacher: Now we are going to watch a video and after that you`ll tell me the main idea of our lesson (Слайд 5) Student 1: I think that the topic is "Animals in our life”. Teacher: Yes, you`re right. You can see the motto of our lesson on the screen. Please, read it aloud (Слайд 6) Student 2: The motto of the lesson is "Be caring, loving and tidy”. 4. Закрепление новой лексики Teacher: What kinds of animals do you know? Student 1 : I know two types of animals, they are: wild and domestic. Teacher: You are right. Where do animals live? Student 2: Animals can live on a farm, at the zoo, in the seas and oceans, in the trees. Teacher: And now, boys and girls, look at the blackboard. Let`s fill in the table "Places where animals live”. Ученики выходят к доске и заполняют таблицу картинками животных с комментариями. Places where the animals live on the farmat the zooin the mountainsin the seas and oceansin wild animal parksin the trees and in the forests
Student 1: I think that horses live on the farm. Student 2: I guess that giraffes, penguins, lions, elephants can live at the zoo. Student 3: To my mind, eagles and snakes can live in the mountains. Student 4: I know that animals live in the seas and oceans. Student 5: Monkeys, birds can live in the trees and bears live in the forests. Student 6: : I guess that some animals can live not only at the zoo but also in wild animals parks . They are: camels, giraffes, tigers, zebras. Teacher: Very clever of you! And who knows the difference between a zoo and a wild animal park? Student 1: In zoos animals live in cages but in wild animal parks they don`t. Teacher: Where do animals have more space for living? Student 2: To my mind, they have more space in wild animal parks because they can run, jump and hunt as they live in the wild. Teacher: And where do they have a better place to live and why? Student 3: To my mind, it is better for animals to live in a zoo because people take care of them, feed, wash and treat them. Student 4: And I completely disagree with ___.I think it`s better to live in a wild animal park because animals are free there. 5. Динамическая пауза Teacher: Now sit comfortably. Close your eyes and imagine yourselves in a wild animal park. You can`t see the animals but you can hear their voices. Let`s guess what animal it is. Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись с голосами животных и по очереди отгадывают их. (аудиоприложение «Звуки животных») 6. Развитие навыков аудирования. Teacher: Thanks for your answers. Dear boys and girls, I have a surprise for you. Yesterday I got a letter from the keepers from Whipsnade wild animal park in Britain. They want to tell you about their animals` life, but to my regret it was raining hard and the letter got wet. So, there are a lot of words I couldn`t read and I need your help to understand the letter. Take the cards on the desks, listen to the tape twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words, there are seven of them and each word has a number. Listen carefully, take your pens, let`s begin. Учащиеся слушают аудиозапись, вставляют пропущенные слова. (аудиозапись 2) Your visit to Whipsnade wild animal park will be very enjoyable. At Whipsnade you will learn and 1______________more about the lives of animals and how to save 2_______________ animals. Many 3______________ are working here. They are studying the effects that human activities have on the natural world. At the children’s 4___________ you can get closer to domestic animals. In the 5_______ wood you’ll have a good view of the wolves. At a set time each day, the 6______________of the park introduce animals around the park for you to learn more about them and ask questions about them. But don’t bring along your own dog or other 7________ into the park. 0-1 mistake- a "5” 2 mistakes- a "4” 3 mistakes- a "3” 4 and more- a "2” Пропущенные слова: 1 understand, 2 endangered, 3 scientists, 4 farm, 5 wolf, 6 keepers, 7 pets. Teacher: Now give your card to your seatmate, open your books at page 108 exercise 18, check the words, and give a mark. Проверка задания. Учащиеся обмениваются карточками, проверяют слова, опираясь на текст с.108 у. 18. Выставляют друг другу оценки согласно критериям. 7. Проверка домашнего задания. Teacher: We’ve just spoken about different kinds of animals and their places of living. And now we are going to check up your homework. Your task was to find riddles about animals and now let your classmates guess them. Student 1 :This animal lives in the forest. It's neither big nor small. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of a fox and a wolf. This animal runs fast. (a hare) Student 2:This animal is very big. It is grey and sometimes white. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves and grass. (an elephant) Student 3:This animal lives at home or in the street. It's a man's friend. It can run, but can't fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly. (a dog) Student 4:This animal lives in the river or near the water. It is green. It can jump and swim, but it can neither run nor climb. (a frog) Student 5: Gena is not a boy. He is big, long and green. He is very clever. It can swim. He has a friend Cheburashka. (a crocodile) Student 6:This animal is red and sly. It likes hens, hares and ducks. It lives in the forest. (a fox) Student 7: It is grey. It can run, jump and walk. It is very small. It likes bread and cheese. It lives in the house.(a mouse) Student 8: This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It likes meat, fish and milk. It can run, jump, climb trees and catch mice. (a cat) 8. Физкультминутка. Учащиеся поют и танцуют под песню «Penguins` dance» (аудиоприложение ) Put your hands up in the air and shake your booties round. Hand up on your toes and turn around, around. Hands way up high, hands way down low. Stamp with your feet and jump, jump, jump. 9. Развитие навыков письменной речи. Teacher: Now boys and girls, let`s get back to the letter. It says that at a set time each day, the keepers of the park introduce the animals to you to learn more about them and ask questions. Open your exercise-books, write down the date and your five questions about the animals in the park. The prompt on the screen can help you. (Слайд 7 ) Read one of your questions, please. Учащиеся зачитывают свои вопросы. 10. Работа в группах. Развитие навыков поискового чтения. We`ve been to the wild animal park today and now let`s visit a zoo. But the keepers of the zoo didn`t watch the animals well. So, they ran away. You can see the zoo in the picture. (Приложение 1) There is a shop, a café and a lot of empty cages in it. (Слайд 8) Put the animals in the right cage according to the text. You`ll work in groups of three. Sit down together and begin. You have five minutes for this task. 11. Рефлексия: Teacher: The motto of the lesson is "Be caring, loving and tidy”. Finish this phrase, please… "Be caring, loving and tidy to …” (Слайд 9 ) Children: "Be caring, loving and tidy to pets”. "Be caring, loving and tidy to domestic and wild animals”. Teacher: We can`t imagine our life without animals. People should do a lot of good to them. What should we do? Students: несколько учащихся дают ответы. (Слайд 10)
1. Домашнее задание. Teacher: Well done, dear boys and girls. And now it`s time for your home task. Open your record books and write it down: page 109, exercise 19, answer the questions in written . (Слайд 11 ) 2. Итоги урока. Teacher: I’d like to thank all of you for your good work at the lesson. Come to me with your record books and I`ll give you your marks. The lesson is over. Good bye. \
Использованная литература: 1. М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул 2010 г. 2. John Clark, Pearson Stepping Stones 3 Course Book.- Addison Wesley Longman 2007. Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы: 1. http://ps.1september.ru/ 2. http://www.youtube.com/ 3. liveinternet.ru 4. picture-box.ru